DNB Courses


NNC, Calcutta has been recognized by natboard.edu.in, New Delhi as a teaching hospital to impart teaching and training of Diplomate of National Board of Examinations for Broad / Super-specialty degrees in Neurosurgery and Neurology since 2002. The degree is awarded by the National Board of Examinations approved by the Government of India and included in the First Schedule of IMC Act 1956. The National Board of Examinations was established in 1975 with the prime objective of improving the quality of the Medical Education by elevating the level and establishing standards of post graduate examinations in modern medicine on an all India basis. The Diplomat qualifications awarded by the National Board of Examinations have been equated with the postgraduate and post doctorate degrees awarded by other Indian Universities by the Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The holders of Board’s qualification awarded after an examination (DNB Final) are eligible to be considered for specialists post in any hospital including training/teaching institution.
Speciality Accredition Status Duration Eligibility Intake Capacity
Till December 31, 2016
3 years
Post MD/ DNB, through CET SS
1 seat/ year
Till December 31, 2018
6 years
Post MBBS, through CET
1 seat/ year
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