Vision Mission Quality Policy & Objectives


By expertizing every segment of neurosciences and their intercommunications, our effort is to assure most intense neuro care with warm compassion in a non profit set up.


To deliver the latest globally acclaimed and most competent neuro care in a philanthropic mode of system at a cost that is affordable to common people. To groom young, talented students of neurosciences by providing them the opportunity to learn by working under the guidance of the most experienced and renowned consultants of the country.

Quality Policy

Highly efficient treatment of various neurological diseases at a reasonable charge. Voluntary service of expert neurological consultations in outlying areas. Clinical audit, governance, and ethical practice to win the trust of patients and their families. Upliftment of knowledge and skills of health care providers by encouraging them to take part in different CMEs, seminars, trainings etc. Enhancement of patient satisfaction by continuous improvement in various clinical as well as supportive services. Bring about innovative and positive changes in the quality management system


Highly skilled treatment of patients with neurological diseases at an affordable cost in a non-profit setup. Voluntary service of expert neurological consultations in out-lying areas. Clinical audit, governance and ethical practice to win the trust of patients and their families. Education of doctors and the nurses. Research of neurological diseases as applied to local population.
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