Patient Rights & Responsibilities
- You as a patient have the right to care that is considerate and respectful of your personal dignity and privacy during examination, procedure, treatment in this hospital and your cultural, psychological, and spiritual values and beliefs.
- You as a patient can expect reasonable access to appropriate medical care within the hospital’s capability without regard to such considerations as race, colour, age, gender, sexual orientation, handicap, religion, national origin, or the ability to pay.
- You as a patient have the right to receive care in a safe setting and to be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.
- You as a patient have the right to confidentiality of your medical records and the right to access information contained in your medical records within a reasonable time frame.
- You as a patient have the right to participate in the development and implementation of your plan of care, progress, and information on your healthcare needs.
- You as a patient have the right to be reasonably informed and participate in decisions involving your healthcare. You shall not be subjected to any blood transfusion, anesthesia, surgery, initiation of any research protocol, any invasive/ high risk procedure and treatment without your voluntary, competent, and informed consent, or that of your legally authorized representative, except in life saving conditions (if required).
- You as a patient have the right to refuse treatment .If there is refusal of treatment, the treating doctor shall discuss all the available options and allow you to make an informed choice on your mode of treatment.
- If you do not speak or understand the predominant language of the community, you have the right to communication assistance provided by the hospital.
- You as a patient have a right to know the name of the physician or other practitioner who has the primary responsibility of your care.
- You as a patient have a right to be informed /receive counseling regarding expected cost of treatment.
- You as a patient have the right to file a complaint regarding any hospital services and are entitled to information regarding the hospital’s mechanism for the initiation, review and resolution of such complaints.
- You as a patient shall provide complete and accurate information about your health, including present condition/complaint(s), past illnesses, hospitalization(s), medications, and any other matters relating to your health.
- You as a patient shall provide complete and accurate information including full name, address and other information.
- You as a patient shall follow the treatment plan advised by the physician, including the instructions of nurses and other healthcare professionals as they carry out the physician’s orders.
- You as a patient shall ask questions when you do not understand what the doctor or other member of the healthcare team tells about your diagnosis or treatment.
- You as a patient shall treat all hospital staff, other patients, and visitors with dignity and respect and shall not conduct any activity that will disrupt the work of the hospital.
- You as a patient shall respect the privacy of other patients and property of the hospital. Be considerate of noise level and safety of other patients.
- You as a patient shall respect that hospital is a non-smoking and a non-spitting zone.
- You as a patient shall follow visiting hours of the hospital. You as a patient are not allowed to bring alcohol, unauthorized drugs or weapons inside the hospital premises.
- You as a patient shall pay for services billed for in a timely manner as per the hospital policies.
- You as a patient shall respect that some other patients’ medical conditions may be more serious than yours and accept that your doctor may need to attend to them first.